Sunday, 17 May 2009

Fiends of the Fen

Pestilous, Scabious and Bilious wandered down the street and into the market wondering what was causing all the screaming and wretching. He and his warband were trying to acquire a Holy Relic to boost the resolve of their minions especially the cowardly Ungor.
Scabious chuckled evilly as Pestilous began snivelling since the Elven Mage had stabbed him with the sword he had become nervous and terrified of sudden movement which had slowed them all down. "We'll never find a Relic there aren't any nowhere"
Bilious snorted and tryed to glower at pestilous difficult when he always looks out of the left shoulder and can never actually see the other to. "Stop yer yollering you idjit if the mistress here's about it we'll suffer."
"Sharrap" replied Pestilous. Then one of the Ungor Tostig this one was Scabious thought ran up dragging something.
The entire composite creature immediately decided that whatever the Ungor had and was so excited by they wanted. Quickly they clobbered him and then recognised it for what it was Konrat Harker the notorious Witch Hunters body. The band had killed him in the struggle under the streets they all grinned what better icon for the servants of the Witch of the Fens than the torso of a Witch Hunter.

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